“Nach dem Rechten sehen”
In the second week of September that took place in the north of Kassel “Nach dem Rechten sehen” Festival takes place. Hundreds of people came to hear together over five days, Discuss and spend time together.
News from Kassel
In the second week of September that took place in the north of Kassel “Nach dem Rechten sehen” Festival takes place. Hundreds of people came to hear together over five days, Discuss and spend time together.
Am 05.09.2020 fand in Kassel die Demonstration „We’ll come united- 5 years march of hope“ statt. round 200 Protesters moved from the main train station to the city center, to demonstrate against racism and the restrictive migration policy of the federal government.
The nationwide alliance "Rheinmetall disarm" called on 28.9.2020 to blockades against the Kassel arms industry. The call for the day of action was followed by around 500 People.
Am 28. August wurden fünf Personen auf ihrem Weg zum Kaffee trinken beim Bioladen Schmackes von der Polizei kontrolliert. Vorgworfen wurden ihnen keine konkreten Straftaten, sondernAnlass war allein die Vermutung, sie würden morgen an einer Aktion von “Disarm Rheinmetall” teilnehmen.
Name with a racist connotation: Black and People of Color group calls for the renaming of the Mohren pharmacy in an open letter.
As in many other German cities, on 19. August also in Kassel due to a racist terrorist attack in Hanau in February 2020 murdered people thought. To keep the memory alive six months after the attack, the foreigners' council of the city of Kassel had called for a vigil in front of the town hall.
Collective farms in Kassel have been networking for two and a half years. They want to make their goals known through joint campaigns: equal decision-making structures and shared ownership in the workplace.
The anti-fascist group task from Kassel presented its 39-page annual report at the beginning of August. The report takes a look at the right structures in Kassel in the year 2019 vor.