New Year's Eve to jail – against the repression!


Goethe star

Start: Goethe star
Final rally: JVA Kassel

At the end of this year, let us send a powerful signal of solidarity: with the people, who have broken laws and civil norms, are therefore locked away by the judiciary and exploited in prison operations under the most precarious conditions. All in the name of supposed “reintegration into society” and “public safety”. But prison actually has little to do with that.
This thinking is an expression of societies, that don't work according to people's real needs, but according to the principles of profit and domination.
So prison is not just a tool for dictators, Capital and border regimes, but inhumane, dangerous and deadly. Prisons are racist, patriarchal and transphobic.
Prisoners die again and again, vor allem People of Color, in prisons and refugee accommodation.

Let's do it together, be resistant to current conditions both indoors and outdoors! Let’s not let ourselves be intimidated – not by cameras, Police and justice outside, nor through the repression within the prisons!
Let's take to the streets and try, to break the isolation and start the new year together and show our solidarity.