Rally against police violence

Knapp 100 People have on 31. March 2021 Demonstrated against police violence in front of the main train station. The rally was held at short notice on the occasion of a current case of police violence, which had happened the previous evening in Kassel, called.

8. March demonstration in Kassel

About 1.500 People took part in this year's demonstration for 8. March in Kassel. Despite the ongoing corona pandemic and the corresponding restrictions, significantly more people took to the streets on the international feminist day of struggle than in the previous year.

Kassel: Commemoration of the Hanau attack

Hundreds of people came to Kassel on 19.2.21 to commemorate the anniversary of the racist terrorist attack in Hanau. Speeches were made on the steps of the town hall in mourning for Ferhat Unvar, Hamza Kurtović, Said Nesar Hashemi, Vili Viorel Păun, Mercedes Kierpacz, Kaloyan Velkov, Fatih Saracoglu, Sedat Gurbuz und Gokhan Gultekin gehalten.

Commemoration of the victims of National Socialism

On the occasion of the “Day of Remembrance of the Victims of National Socialism”, the 27. January 2021, had the local association of those persecuted by the Nazi regime – Association of Antifascists (VVN-BdA) called for decentralized and virtual commemoration.

Rally after the murder of women in Fulda

About a dozen people came on Friday, 18. December, spontaneously together on the Kassel Königsplatz, to draw attention to the fate of the killed doctor in Fulda. The 35-year-old was found dead and with cuts on her neck in the backyard of her home earlier this month. …

Rally for decentralized accommodation for refugees

70 People have on 29. October 2020 one 17:30 Demonstrated in front of the town hall for the decentralized accommodation of refugees and access to medical care for all people. The protest was directed against the living conditions in the initial reception facility for refugees in Kassel Niederzwehren.