With the public bus to the Nazi march

20. July 2019, Nazi parade in Kassel. During the local traffic comes to a standstill, some of the neo-Nazis are being driven to the starting point of their demonstration by a regular bus. How does that fit the image of the city, decided to have tried, to prevent the deployment?

Who else is already talking of revolution?

A group of activists toured 2019 the region of Northern / Eastern Syria and provides first-hand impressions. After the 8. March 2020 we are republishing this feminist contribution to the debate.

Feminist demonstration on the 8. March

To the 8. March 2020, International Women's Day, had called the women and queers strike committee Kassel to a feminist demonstration. According to the call of the committee, this should bring current feminist struggles onto the streets. Specifically, it was about battles to appreciate concern- …

The Stephan Ernst complex

In June 2019 the CDUler Walter Lübcke in Kassel was murdered by neo-Nazis. The next dead in the city by right terrorist groups. Although the headlines are full of the suspected terrorists Stephan Ernst and Markus Hartmann, going on but surprisingly little in Kassel.

Protests against EU border policy

Am 04.03.2020 participated about 350 People at the protests against the border policy of the European Union. At the rally under the motto “Border on! save lives!“The Kassel pier had spontaneously mobilized, after the situation on the Greek-Turkish border has deteriorated drastically for days. In …