“I want to take care of it, that that doesn't happen to anyone anymore "

On the evening of 19. October 2021 two people were attacked by Nazis in Nordstadtpark. One person was briefly in mortal danger, a second person was at risk of losing sight. With Blake, one of the attacked people, we talked about the incident and its consequences - but also about his political fight against queerophobia and racism.

The oldest clinic in Kassel is now in private hands

In June 2021 one of the oldest hospitals in Kassel had to file for bankruptcy. At the beginning of September this year, the health group Fresenius took over the financially troubled DRK clinics, which will be continued as Helios clinics in the future. An article about missed opportunities and the impact of private sector interests in healthcare.

“Strike at school, Strike in the factory”

4500 People followed on 24. September 2021 the call of Fridays for Future Kassel and took part in the nationwide major strike for consistent climate protection. This took place on the occasion of the upcoming federal elections on 26. September.

Freedom for Lina demonstration in Kassel on 04.09.2021

Freedom for Lina demonstration in Kassel

Last Saturday the 4. September demonstrated in Kassel for example 200 People for the release of the anti-fascist Lina. The student, originally from Kassel, has been sitting since November 2020 in custody. You and three other people are charged, Preparing and carrying out attacks on neo-Nazis. After we had a conversation with Lina's mother in February, let's take the demonstration as an opportunity, to pursue the question, what has happened since then.

Femicide in Bad Arolsen

Last Monday in Bad Arolsen, a 32-year-old woman was killed by her husband with several knife wounds. In Kassel, the murdered woman was remembered at a vigil and the act classified as femicide.

Die Knastrevolte in der ‘Elwe’

Am 24.07. is the anniversary of the revolt from approx. 40 Deportation detainees in the Kassel JVA 'Elwe' for 27. Times. The revolting protesters protested against the threat of deportation and the disastrous conditions of detention.

20 Years later: From Kassel to the G8 summit in Genoa

Am 20. July 2001 23-year-old Carlo Giuliani died when the Italian Carabinieri were shot at the G8 summit in Genoa. A short conversation with two people from Kassel about the summit protests in the Italian port city and what political significance the death still has today.