Unemployment and social counseling

14:00 - 16:00

Infoladen Halitstraße, Kassel


// unemployment- and social counseling
Every last Tuesday of the month 14:00-16:00 Clock

Once a month the Infoladen Kassel offers a free unemployment- and social counseling to. This is independent authorities and biased in the sense of seeking advice. The advice includes information, Guidelines and tips to authorities problems, as well as support for the enforcement of payment obligations to authorities.

Event overview:
Tuesday, 28.01.2020
Tuesday, 25.02.2020
Tuesday, 31.03.2020
Tuesday, 28.04.2020

Barriers ... on the Halitstraße:
The rooms of the information store can only be reached via a step, However, for a wheelchair ramp is present.
The Infoshop ... at the Halitstraße is basically non-smoking.
The toilets are not wheelchair-accessible. A changing table is available.

Disclaimer …at the Halitstraße:
The Organizing reserve the right, to make of their house right and people, belonging to nationalist and / or right-wing parties or organizations, zuzuorden the right scene, or by sexist, trans * enemy, homofeindliche, racist, nationalist, anti-Semitic or other inhuman manifestations have appeared, to deny access to the event or to exclude from this.