Exhibition: Ideas for a rethink

11:00 - 18:00



Link to event


Romina Abate / Mike Huntemann
– The exhibition is part of the exhibition series “Ideas for a rethink” in the Kassel Kuntsverein

Romina Abate
Turn on the spot

Belonging to the group of works "The Sea of ​​the Hundred Thousand Islands"

In seafaring, "turning on the spot" describes one of various possible ship maneuvers, at which a course- and / or change in speed of one or more ships under unfavorable geographical conditions, meteorological, hydrological as well as traffic engineering conditions. The maneuvering activity is an associative and metaphorical approach to the subject of changing course, of change and rethinking. The torque is understood as the spatio-temporal culmination point of the change of state and forward / movement with an open exit. The potential of lingering in the maneuver and of dis / orientation is questioned. The "change" is formulated as an artistic search movement, which produces multidimensional and non-linear “works” as experimental arrangements in space.
Associative links can be found to the motif of the parrot: Parrots, which was once considered exotic, living cargo came to Europe by ship, are in German living rooms today, in bird houses designed for them, native. For parrots that live in captivity, the so-called "tumbling sickness" was observed, also known as "vertigo", a nerve disease that occurs, if cages are not the correct size or shape. It manifests itself in uncontrolled turning movements of the head, resulting in the animal becoming disoriented. (…)

Romina Abate combines different media such as drawing, Photo, Video and performance for sculptural arrangements and installations. In her work she investigates associations,- and reference levels between languages, image, Object and space as well as the associated meaning- and context shifts. Findings as well as images and terms from lexicons form ambiguous, poetic and fragmentary narratives. The works, Experimental set-ups similar, consult usual presentation- and re / presentation modes as well as production- and modes of reception of installative art and design their own order- and reference systems.

Romina Abate, born 1982 am Bodensee, studied fine arts with Prof. Dorothee von Windheim at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, Prof. Christian Philipp Müller and Prof. Florian Slotawa, whose master student she 2014 war. She received numerous scholarships in the In- and abroad, most recently the two-year Georg Meistermann scholarship from the Cusanuswerk. She is currently working as an artistic assistant at the Kunsthochschule Kassel in the class for art in a contemporary context.



Mike Huntemann
Real-Time Propaganda (2015)

The work “Real-Time Propaganda” automatically summarizes five mass media events in the news landscape over the past two years.

Looking for Youtube videos on the five NSA topics, Ebola, Charlie Hebdo, Germanwings Crash and MH370, an algorithm uses automated speech recognition technology - a technology, with the large internet corporations and secret services automatically analyze the content available in mass, classify and filter.

In a 13-minute loop, the video excerpts found in this way are dramaturgically distributed to the video channels by an algorithm in accordance with the trend curve typical for mass media.

Due to the asymmetrical distribution of the monitor-speaker pairs in the multi-channel installation, the viewer cannot focus his gaze, but is tempted to do so by the resulting surround sound, constantly changing one's perspective.

Mike Huntemann (*1992) is a media artist and researcher from Kassel.

In his artistic practice, he researches the production and distribution of user-generated content on social media platforms, examines internet structures on the subject of privacy and surveillance and develops installations for algorithmic decision-making processes.

He uses software tools for his video work, to automatically track down found footage material, to categorize and assemble.

Mike Huntemann studied to 2019 New media at the Kunsthochschule Kassel, where he continues his work as an artistic employee on decentralized networks and cryptocurrencies.

Photo: Mike Huntemann, real time propaganda, (c)Nicolas wefers



Exhibition series “Ideas for a rethink” from 25.07. – 18.10.2020

Climate change, Species extinction, Corona crisis - there are many reasons for a change of course for "Spaceship Earth" (Buckminster Fuller, 1968) towards the post-growth society.

With - = + the Kasseler Kunstverein offers artistic positions a platform, that reflects this change: Can a language for rethinking be developed in art?? How does art adapt to the crises of the present?

Local structures are an essential element of the theories on growth criticism, that use fewer resources and enable a more sustainable economy. In this sense, the exhibition series relies on a collaboration with artists from Kassel. Architecturally, the idea of ​​"less is beautiful" (Ernst Friedrich Schumacher: “small is beautiful” 1973) mapped in a room-in-room situation, uses existing materials and reduces the exhibition space: Added value through reduction - the space as a practice area and showcase for post-growth aesthetics.


Participating artists

25.07.- 16.08.
Helena Schätzle / Sudharak Olwe

22.08. – 06.09.
Echo Can Luo / martinafischer13

12.09. – 27.09.
Lisa Dreykluft / Holger Jenss

03.10. – 18.10.
Romina Abate / Mike Huntemann

25.07. – 18.10.
Sarah Metz / Janosch holiday

Opening times

Please note the running times of the individual exhibitions. Between these dates we are in breaks and the art association is not open.

Tuesday Sunday & holidays 11 – 18 Clock
Thursday 11- 20 Clock

Free admission
Admission to the Kasseler Kunstverein is free during the exhibition - = +