16:00 - 19:00
Art temple
regularly„this is it“
Speech art by Sveta Antonova, Angelika Janz and Cia Rinne
Duration: 29.10. – 22.11.2020
Opening days:
Do., 29. October / 16 until 2 o'clock / Guided tours every half hour by appointment / The artists are present.
Fr., 30. October / Readings by appointment
Angelika Janz / 16 pm and 18 Clock
Cia Rinne / 17 pm and 19 Clock
Exhibition opening times:
31.10., 1.11., 6. to 8.11., 16 to 19 Clock / then after telef. agreement
Pre-registration under or 0561 312560.
Due to the current situation, the exhibition on each of the two floors can only be visited by two people at the same time and with their face and nose covered.
We continue to follow the infection protection regulations of the state of Hesse.
Art temple | Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 177, D-34119 Kassel
| Tel: 0561 24304 | www.kunsttempel.net
free entry, donations welcome!
To the exposition:
The exhibition by the three artists conveys the diversity of international language art with their different approaches. The language itself and the conditions and possibilities of its use are the medium and object of artistic design. The art of language occurs across the traditional genres of art. Accordingly, the three artists have a background in literature and visual arts.
For example, the Russian-born artist Sveta Antonova, vintage 1990, in their installation “GT Cam” with digital speech recognition and translation: In a series of numerous videos, algorithms recognize and transform text fragments. The "l’usage du mot" project is different 1973 in Gothenburg, Sweden, born Cia Rinne a large text network, A series of visual poems and a performance video of which are shown in the exhibition: Constellations, Ideograms, Rhymes, Lists here constantly change between different European languages. Finally, Angelika Janz, born 1952 In Dusseldorf, illuminates the possibilities of the fragment in her visual poems. These fragments are not simply taken from specific sources, rather, they arise as such through various processes in the transition between words- and imagery.
Sveta Antonova
has been 1990 in Novosibirsk, Russia, born and lives in Bath, England. She studied fine arts in Bath, Dublin and Kassel. Her artistic research focuses in particular on everyday language use from an aesthetic point of view, linguistic and media theoretical perspective. For example: Your series "wire pieces", from which objects can be seen in the exhibition, processes sentences into fine, handmade wire mesh. The installation "I know" stages aspects such as language acquisition on seven black squares and with two audio works, Man-machine dialogues and speechlessness.
Angelika Janz
has been 1952 born in Düsseldorf, studied German, Art history and philosophy in Essen and Bochum and has been living since 1991 in Ferdinandshof, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In addition to her work as a freelance writer and visual artist, she worked for a long time as a museum educator at the Folkwang Museum in Essen and has been since 1995 engaged in sociocultural projects in rural areas. Her artistic spectrum includes poetry, Prose, Radio plays, Essays, drawing, Painting and performance. Working on image-text fragments, examples of which will be shown in the exhibition in different processes, sees itself as an expression of an artistic way of life: Fragment as an attitude.
Cia Rinne
has been 1973 Born to Finnish-Swedish parents in Gothenburg and grew up in Germany, she lives in Berlin. In Frankfurt, In Athens and Helsinki she studied philosophy, History and languages. Your minimalist texts in the environment more visual, auditory and conceptual poetry are written in different languages. They serve as a score for readings and performances and are shown in galleries and museums. The project "l'usage du mot", from which text-image sheets and a performance video can be seen in the exhibition, led 2017 also to a publication in the poetry publishing house Kookbooks.