Bright Mountain Festival 2021

17.09.2021 to 18.09.2021

Gisonenweg, Marburg, Schlossparkbühne

multiple days

Link to event

Friends of the cultivated live music, Sound seekers, Dance fanatics – exults! It's finally time again, look up! The mountain at the castle will once again be lit up by sounds that seem earthy and heavy to airy and light.
Together we break through the dissonant daily grind with a handpicked selection of insider tips from the areas of psychological, Garage-, Jazz-, Heavy-, Blues-, Space-, Stoner-, Herb-, Post rock and new wave. Follow the light on a journey, which drive you high-energy, sometimes thoughtfully devoured and then again in a completely different way through the soundscapes of distant worlds to the edges of the galactic stardust.
The Bright Mountain Festival is called you on 17. and 18. September 2021 welcome for the second time to the Marburg Palace Park Stage, which is located on the Schlossberg above the medieval old town of Marburg.
Look forward to two days of live music in a spectacular one- and a backdrop with oil disc projectors!

You can get an impression of last year here: .

Lineup, Ticket booking and information on how to deal with Corona can be found on the Bright-Mountain-Facebook-Seite.