Bicycle demo: Pop-up bikelanes for Kassel

08:00 - 20:00

Everywhere in Kassel

12h cycle for the traffic turn: Pop-up bikelanes now!

Because of Corona, many people are switching from public transport to bicycles. At the same time, car traffic has decreased significantly. That is why pop-up bikelanes are now being built in many cities (in Brussels within a few weeks 40 km!).
Except in Kassel. Here, particularly large steps towards the turnaround in traffic are necessary, the goal of climate neutrality decided by the StaVO 2030 to reach!
That's why we're cycling, the citizens of Kassel, am 19.6. shared by 8 h to 20 h through the city, order for the immediate establishment of Corona wheel tracks to demonstrate. About the App “Critical Maps” you can join at any time. 12 Organizations participate – one of these organizations uses a stop every hour on the hour. Various actions are planned, from a ScienceQuiz about games, Essen, exhibitions, Inspections and lectures.

Bumps over one of the stops (see table) add and ride with !