19:00 - 21:00
Infoladen Halitstraße, Kassel
Looking at the calendar, we noticed, that the info shop has been around for over five years!
Therefore we cordially invite you to 17.07.2021 from 19:00 Clock on, Toast and celebrate together with us. All you need is a little time and your own vessel for our delicious soli cocktails.
Even if we cannot open the doors of the info shop, there will be some seating outside. You can exchange ideas with sufficient distance, network and toast to the info shop.
As always, you have the option, you guys with books, To equip magazines and current information. We will be happy to give you what you want while keeping the distance- and hygiene regulations. We provide disinfectant.
Don't forget your mouth and nose protection. And makes, if possible, a Covid-19 rapid test beforehand. You can find a list of the test centers in the city and district of Kassel, for example. this: https://geoportal.kassel.de/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9f002cb123664089804a5cef4e64858c
You can find more information about Covid-19 and events in the info shop on our website: http://infoladenkassel.blogsport.eu/2020/07/08/veranstaltungen-und-covid-19/
So make a note of the date, tell your friends, grab your mug and come over - we look forward to seeing you <3
Barriers: The rooms of the information store can only be reached via a step, However, for a wheelchair ramp is present. The Infoshop ... at the Halitstraße is basically non-smoking. The toilets are not wheelchair-accessible. A changing table is available.
Disclaimer: The Organizing reserve the right, people, belonging to nationalist and / or right-wing parties or organizations, assigned to the right scene, or by sexist, trans * enemy, homofeindliche, racist, nationalist, conspiracy ideology, anti-Semitic or other inhumane statements or behavior have appeared, to deny access to the event or to exclude from this.