12:00 - 16:00
Start: Hbf. Kassel
2. Raddemo in the Stiftswald and forest walk on the A44 route at 28.2.
Start the bike demo: 12 Kassel main station
More information on topics, Meetings and actions:
www.keineA44.de and the twitter account @ keineA44
The first bike demo with 300 Cyclist:inside and a subsequent walk through the woods 500 People in the Stiftswald am 31.1. was very successful. On Sunday the 28.2. wollen wir diese Veranstaltung wiederholen. Wir wollen dadurch auf die Auswirkungen des Autobahnbaus im Stiftswald und auf die Klimakrise in Kaufungen aufmerksam machen.
The bicycle demonstration from Kassel to the Stiftswald starts at 12 Clock at Kassel Central Station. In the paper mill, cyclists can:inside from Kaufungen one 12.30 Watch and take the B7 to the Ziegelhütte.
The meeting point for the forest walk is the Ziegelhütte below the resting forest in Oberkaufungen. From there, two routes go through the Stiftswald along the planned A44 route.
Before the walk in the woods there will be speeches. They address the movements for international climate justice. The pastor Susanne Hüfken from Kaufungen will report on the situation in the Pacific island state of Vanuatu as part of the World Day of Prayer, which is existentially threatened by rising sea levels. A contribution from the group “Extinction Rebellion Kassel” is also requested.
Further bike demos and forest walks are planned every four weeks.
The next dates are Sunday, the 28.3. and Sunday, the 25.4. Everyone is welcome. Am 7.3. becomes the route marking made up in the Stiftswald. And on Friday, the global climate strike day, the 19.3., finds a bike demo from Kaufungen to Kassel.