19:30 - 21:30
Campus University of Kassel
Lecture followed by discussion:
No limits to growth? climate crisis, Technofixes und (Post)growth
with Linda Schneider
31.05. one 19:30
Raum 1004, Georg-Forster-Strasse 4 (seminar building), Main campus of the University of Kassel
The event deals with the connections between the climate crisis, Economic growth and the role of large-scale technological approaches in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The speaker Linda Schneider has the negotiations on the latest IPCC reports in 2021/2022 accompanied and will report, how the models and scenarios in the IPCC report deal with the issue of economic growth, what role risky technological approaches play, and what that means for the extension of the fossil age.
Following this, alternatives and actual solutions for climate justice as well as the potential of post-growth ideas for overcoming the climate crisis will be discussed.
The lecture is part of the series "Grown - Ways out of the dependence on growth", which deals with the potential and challenges of a post-growth society. In addition, there is the question, how the idea of a post-growth society can be spread.
The event takes place at the university, but all interested are welcome!