Union rally for 1. May

10:30 - 12:30

Königsplatz Kassel and online

Link to event

“Solidarity is the future!”
10:30 The rally begins at Königsplatz
14:00 Start of nationwide livestream from Berlin

Labor day is here too 2021 in the context of the corona pandemic. In addition to actions on site (Kundgebung am Königsplatz ab 10:30 organisiert vom DGB North Hesse) wird der Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) wie im vergangenen Jahr wieder einen Livestream zum 1. May send. Because one thing is more important than ever in these times: Demonstrate, that the unions are active for the people in this country.

More information on the Facebook site and the Website of the DGB North Hesse.

Ankündigung des DGB Nordhessen zur gewerkschaftlichen Aktionen am 1. May:

Solidarity is the future - we are moving into this year's Labor Day with this motto 1. May.

Solidarity does not only include our political demands and that we fight for them together. Unfortunately, in these times we also have to distance ourselves further from one another, precisely because we are in solidarity.
Adapted to the current pandemic situation, we are holding a rally in Kassel in northern Hesse on Labor Day and broadcasting it on the Internet. You will find the link for the transfer here on the website in a few days.

In the afternoon at 14 Then the nationwide livestream from Berlin starts with many impressions from all over the country.

Already before 1. We start May in Northern Hesse “Solidarity countdown” towards Labor Day. Take a look at ours Facebook site. That is also exciting Social-Media-Wall of the DGB federal board with articles and statements on our motto “Solidarity is the future”. I'm sure you'll see colleagues and celebrities there again, that you know.

Be there. Together we are strong. Solidarity is the future!