19:00 - 20:30

Sandershaus, Kassel


We have a weekly offer for all of you, who like to sing or play guitar at campfire level (or both!) and would like to do this together with other people. we meet every Thursday at 19 Clock to sing and play hits together from the past decades to the present day. You are welcome to come sing along or play the guitar. However, this would be a prerequisite, that you can play the basic chords on the guitar. You don't need vocals to sing along- or choir experience!

The group is professionally led by Klaus Macpolowski, so that all, despite different abilities, join in and have fun making music together. We would like to address those of you too, who might otherwise not have the confidence to sing or play with others. We will create a respectful and tolerant environment, on which none:r is viewed critically. It's all about the joy of making music together.
There is no fixed participation fee, wir freuen uns aber über einen freiwilligen Kostenbeitrag von 5 Euro pro Termin oder nach Selbsteinschätzung. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht nötig. Ihr könnt gerne einfach vorbeikommen, auch eine regelmäßige Teilnahme ist keine Voraussetzung. Man kann jederzeit dazu kommen oder auch pausieren.

P.S. Wir werden leider vorerst nicht am Lagerfeuer sitzen 🙂
Die Veranstaltung findet nicht statt an Feiertagen und in den hessischen Ferien!