19:00 - 21:00
Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 175, 34119 Kassel
We read:
Civilization and truth 1
Masked Gods and Kings veiled – prison writings
Öcalan criticized not only capitalism, but expands the view of the underlying structures of civilization. By the methods to the understanding of society, questioned knowledge and power, he is preparing a sociology of freedom the ground.
In this first volume of the "Manifesto of democratic civilization" Abdullah Ocalan is reflected from its findings 35 Years of revolutionary theory and practice 10 Years solitary confinement on the Turkish prison island of Imrali.
"Given the circumstances, under which this book was written, I think it is a pretty impressive piece of work. Abdullah Ocalan appears with the extremely limited resources, that were left him in prison, to have done a better job than writers such as Francis Fukuyama or Jared Diamond with access to the best libraries in the world. "- David Graeber
Friedrich-Ebert- road 175, 34127 Kassel
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/Solidaritaetskomitee.Rojava.KASSEL/