Reading meeting at the Queer Center

16:00 - 19:00

Queer Center Kassel

Link to event

The meetings are aimed at people who identify as trans*, inter, non-binary, agender, see genderqueer and questioning or. are. If you are unsure, here is a place for you. You can try it out. You're queer enough. It is necessary no prior knowledge. The overarching theme at all meetings is empowerment and exchange. Start is over 16:00 to 19:00 Clock. The meetings have an open beginning and end, so you can come later or leave earlier. The meetings are from MeeTIN* Up @meetinup in cooperation with the Queeren Zentrum @queereszentrumkassel and are supported by Partnership for Democracy @pfd_kassel

The meeting will take place at the Queer Center. We will look at the queer comic “Cutes” together ( look at. There will be a copy on site for all participants. After that we can talk about this and other comics. And other queer books that move us.


Queer Center Kassel
Mauerstrasse 11