#mequeer: Being gay in Germany between "tolerance" and homophobia (Lecture and installation)

19:00 - 22:00


Link to event

The lecture gives an overview of the dichotomy of one Germany, that adorns itself with tolerance, LGBT * people still have to live with fear of discrimination and assault. This is followed by the presentation that was created in the course of studying at the Kunsthochschule Kassel in class with Peggy Buth and the audience using their own example:should mediate inside, Which statements do gays also use 2021 still see them confronted in "tolerant" Germany.

The event takes place over Zoom instead of.

To the artist:

Roley Falk, born in Cologne, is a photographer and budding filmmaker and studies visual communication at the Kassel Art College. He also works as a cultural worker with a focus on queer, Politics and subculture. His artistic works are influenced by anti-fascism and the LGBT * Q + community and mostly serve political activism with the purpose of enlightenment or criticism.

Organized by the Falken Kassel