movie off! // Participation children's cinema

15:00 - 18:00

BOREAL, Kassel

Link to event

For all big and small film fans.

28.07. // 04.08. // 11.08. // 19.08.
We will show selected children's films and invite you afterwards, to become creative yourself.
free entry. There's popcorn and drinks. Admission is off 15.00 Clock. Movie start um 15.30 Clock.

28.07. Participation children's cinema

The hands-on children's cinema is an entertaining one, moderated short film offer. It is aimed at children 5 years together with her siblings, grandparents and adult caregivers. A presenter will guide you live through the program and the five very special short films and provide stories, Questions and games for lots of fun.
The participatory children's cinema is a German film- and media evaluation (FBW) compiled program and offer.

>> More information about the program at and @schlachthof.kassel