Neue GentechnikOhne Kennzeichnung auf Teller und Acker?

17:30 - 19:30

Große Aula Witzenhausen

🌽 New genetic engineeringwithout labelling on field and plate? 🌽

时间: 莫. 30th Oct. 5.30下午
位置: Große Aula, Norbahnhofstraße 1A, 37213 维岑豪森

We need to talk

🇪🇺 The EU Commission is planning to remove any regulations on New Genetic Engineering techniques such as CRISPR/Cas. The conservative faction has now even targeted organic farming by proposing to include GMO-use in organic standards.

🧑‍🌾 As a result, plants produced with New Genetic techniques would be cultivated, processed and marketed throughout the EU without labelling and without risk assessment.
The lack of labelling and the abolition of cultivation distance regulations would completely remove the freedom of choice of consumers and farmers. All this despite recent surveys, that show that a majority of respondents is in favour of compulsory labelling (source: Foodwatch).

The new proposal is now to be voted on in the European Council and Parliament.

🥕What is the current status?
🥕Is new genetic engineering really the answer to climate change?
🥕What would be the implications for agriculture and food production?

We need to talk about these questions!
我们, the jAbL and AbL, invite you to join us. We will start with speeches by:
教授. Maria Finckh from the University of Kassel,
博士. Christoph Then from Test BioTech and
Stefi Clar from Dreschflegel e.V.

然后, there will be room for discussion, questions and concerns.


Große Aula
Nordbahnhofstraße 1A
37213 维岑豪森