, No less - Soliparty für Grenzenlos!


Sandershaus, Kassel

We have enough of racist immigration policy, Fortress Europe and patriarchal exploitation!
For one night, we want to escalate dignified, provoke relaxed and chatting away consume and us dance in solidarity with those affected across borders!

The proceeds from the entry (0-10€ donation) and solos drinks go to Borders, a donation account, are supported with the refugee women, who are affected by violence.

There will be rousing solos cocktails and -Shots (also alcohol free) and Kufa

ruckus Barbies (feminist Kumbia-Reggaeton)
c-Class (Hiphop-Pop-Dancehall)
Femboy (Techno)

All Genders and Generations welcome!!
Your Orga crew of "solidarity party for Unlimited"


The Solidarity Party takes place in the basement Sander House / entry 0-10 euro donation