17:00 - 20:00
Infoladen Halitstraße, Kassel
After we didn’t successfully hold a fundraising rally this summer, we'll come back with new ideas around the corner: We combine our legendary cocktail evenings with the ideas of our fundraising rally.
We therefore cordially invite you to join us, on Saturday, the 25.09.2021 between 17:00-20:00 Clock to come by and in front of the info shop with delicious cocktails (alcohol-free / high-alcohol) try out one of our planned stations for the rally.
We will not reveal more at this point, but that much should be said: The distance- und Hygienemaßnahmen lassen sich problemlos einhalten und Spaß ist garantiert! Also verabredet euch mit euren Lieblingsmenschen, packt euch einen Becher und euren Mund-Nase-Schutz ein und macht vorher einen Covid-19 Schnelltest.
You can find a list of the test centers in the city and district of Kassel, for example. this: https://geoportal.kassel.de/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=9f002cb123664089804a5cef4e64858c
You can find more information about Covid-19 and events in the info shop on our website: http://infoladenkassel.blogsport.eu/2020/07/08/veranstaltungen-und-covid-19/
Also vormerken und vorbeikommen – wir freuen uns schon! 😊
Barriers: The rooms of the information store can only be reached via a step, However, for a wheelchair ramp is present. The Infoshop ... at the Halitstraße is basically non-smoking. The toilets are not wheelchair-accessible. A changing table is available.
Disclaimer: The Organizing reserve the right, people, belonging to nationalist and / or right-wing parties or organizations, assigned to the right scene, or by sexist, trans * enemy, homofeindliche, racist, nationalist, conspiracy ideology, anti-Semitic or other inhumane statements or behavior have appeared, to deny access to the event or to exclude from this.