18:30 - 20:00
At home
Here in the Quartier and Kulturzentrum Schlachthof invite you:
For all, who lack the ability to make music together in times of limited contact, we have something on offer: On Wednesday, the 6.5. we are organizing an online beatbox workshop with the Kassel Beatbox legend Rocko!
Rocko will show you there, as it is only possible with your own mouth without any instruments, Generate sounds and music. Here we treat different breathing techniques, Warm up exercises for the voice and learn, how we can turn simple noises into first rhythms.
Participation is free! You can check out the address register with Gerrit von here in the quarter. The workshop is intended for beginners, advanced students are also welcome. Musical knowledge is not necessary.
After registering, you will receive the Internet address for the video conference, in which you can participate free of charge.
The project is funded through the model program "Utopolis - Socio-Culture in the District" as part of the cross-departmental strategy Social City "Strengthening Neighborhoods, Each other in the neighborhood "of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, for construction and home and the Commissioner for Culture and Media”.