Online-Demo: Boundless solidarity – #LeaveNoOneBehind

16:00 - 17:30

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Boundless Solidarity - #leavenoonebehind!
Nationwide first pier online demo.

We go online! Due to the current situation, the publicly visible political expression is extremely difficult. But that does not stop us from, build together with you further political pressure!
For our first online demo of our live stream next to speeches and music numerous opportunities will include, you to participate directly. In addition, our virtual demonstration route will ensure, that arrive our and your demands directly with political leaders!

The coronavirus just checked all of our lives, but he makes those of us hardest, the disenfranchised even before Corona, were discriminated against and marginalized: people who had fled, People at the borders and in the inhuman camps in Greece and Libya. But also for the many homeless people in Germany #staythefuckhome and not #socialdistancing possible!
Currently, the talk of solidarity and cohesion is omnipresent. Yet solidarity must not only apply to people with a German passport! Solidarity must not stop at national borders, but must be cross-border and limitless!
While German citizens * inside with great expense from vacation retrieved, People in the Greek camps will be left alone again. All know, that their situation inhuman for years, unacceptable and in any way with EU- is compliant or German law. This will worsen still immeasurably in the face of coronavirus. If any remain only a few days, about the impending humanitarian collapse in the camps to avert. It must be now traded!
We call on the EU to evacuate the camp IMMEDIATELY! Germany must take IMMEDIATELY people. About 140 Municipalities, Cities and countries are ready, take people. The Interior Ministry must IMMEDIATELY end its blockade. Solidarity must apply to ALL!

We can not share the road and there proclaim our anger and our concern - but we must make our demands visible. That is why we are launching the first interactive online demo pier.
For this, we need all of you: Silk on Sunday, 29.03. one 16 AM there live!
If you want to, send us short in advance (30 – 60 seconds) Videos of you against your statements and claims. Get creative and tinkering signs and banners, hang them from your windows, to show so your solidarity and send us pictures of it. both of:
More information and the link to the live stream of the online demo soon follow here.
Divides the call in all your circles, because also includes online: the more we are, the better!
Solidarity despite Corona - Welcome Refugees!!
Solidarity FOR ALL - #leavenoonebehind!

#HumanitätJetzt #HanauWarKeinEinzelfall #EuropeMustAct #SaveThemAll #WirHabenPlatz #ShameOnEU #RefugeesWelcome #OpenTheBorders #StayAtHome #StayAtHomeDemo