Onlinevortrag: Emancipatory education in 21. century

18:00 - 20:00

At home

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In times like these, we do not want, that our educational work is at a standstill. We will therefore try every Wednesday between 18:00-20:00 to organize lectures and discussions.

“Emancipatory education seem key moments, when it comes to the fundamental change in the world. In Gramsci states already 1919: "Makes you, because we need all your wisdom ". But what does that really mean: "Form" and how can this look outside the recovery forced the college and university? Why is it important for an organized left, already with children and young people to try other ways of living together and allow them freedom? And why education is still not everything, but must be always considered together with policy interventions?
The paper attempts to develop, can such emancipatory education look like and what forms we are already testing in the here and now with each other and with children and adolescents. after about. 45 Minutes input there will be enough time, to discuss your questions and to approach the question, how we want to organize our self-education in common. It is necessary no prior knowledge.”

Tyll Steckel man is education officer at the Falcon. He reflected since more 12 Years with the question of rum, how could organize, Left 'their education together.

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