Organizing alliance for the 08. March – always on Thursdays

19:00 - 20:45

Study house at the University of Kassel


Link to event

We are looking for FLINTA* reinforcements!

We meet every Thursday at 19 Clock in the study house, to organize the feminist day of struggle in Kassel. Feel free to come in large numbers, jede Hilfe ist willkommen 🙂

Wir stehen für ein starkes feministisches Bündnis: Queerfeminism, Dekolonisierung, für körperliche Selbstbestimmung. Wir dulden keine Form von Ausgrenzung und Diskriminierung, keine Terfs/Swerfs.

Gemeinsam gegen das Patriarchat, den Kapitalismus und Kolonialismus!

Study house at the University of Kassel, Universitätsplatz 10, Kassel

There is now an organizing alliance for March 8!

We are looking for FLINTA* reinforcements!

Every Thursday we meet at 7 pm in the Studihaus to organize the feminist fight day (March 8) in Kassel. Come along in larch numbers, any help is welcome 🙂

We stand for a strong feminist alliance: queer feminism, decolonization, for bodily self-determination. We do not tolerate any form of exclusion and discrimination, no terfs/swerfs.

*Terfs: trans* exclusional radicalfeminists”.
*Swerfs: sexwork exclusional radicalfeminists”.

Study house at the University of Kassel, Universitätsplatz 10, Kassel