Pirate Canal Kassel: Bahnsinn 2 – Especially now! (Vernissage with live program)

17:00 - 23:45

Kassel main station, workinglass (opposite the track 1 Club)

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Bahnsinn 2 – Especially now!

Exhibition and live program



Kassel main station, workinglass (opposite the track 1 Club)

other places: Stellwerk, Bali-Kinos (Poster boxes)


Opening hours Fri/Sat 16-20 Clock, So 14-18 Clock

Vernissage: 07.09., 17-01 Clock


With work from: Arbeiter*innenliederchor - choir for workers*, Cybertier, Chie Nagai & Joshua Weitzel, Daniel Hofmann & Vishnoir Kim, Fabian Gimpel, N.B. Spiders, Right to the city of Kassel, Saguaro Duda, Samuel Nerl, Smilla Siebenschock, Toby Sauer


Funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Kassel, the dr. Wolfgang Zippel Foundation and the Hessian Ministry of Art and Culture


07.09. Vernissage Programm:

18:00 Saguaro: „Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?“ (Performance)

19:00 Vortrag von Recht auf Stadt Kassel

19:30 Samuel Nerl (Performance)

20:30 Johannes Apelt & Lauren Rae Mace (music)


Programm am 14.09. and 21.09. folgt…


With this exhibition, the Pirate Channel Kassel once again focuses on the loss of places of subculture at the so-called “Kulturbahnhof” and elsewhere in Kassel.

A previously empty room in the train station (most recently a driving school) is taken over and transformed into the new art space workinglass. We show videos there (from the first Bahnsinn campaign on 31.12.), Objects, Collagen, as well as a live program on Museum Night and other Saturdays.

We cooperate with the “Hyperkrypta” exhibition in the signal box, a retrospective on experimental warehouse logistics (formerly in the news department).


Plakatdesign: Saguaro Duda (Vorlage, Logo: Fabian Gimpel)