Planning workshop for urban forest gardens | Kassel 01. & 02.04.

16:00 - 19:00

meeting point: Forest area restaurant

Forest gardens make our areas come alive again, productive habitats and ecosystems in the city and in the country - they connect to corridors of biodiversity and are a conscious part of our regional resilience and self-sufficiency. Gardens and entire landscapes develop diversity, Stability and resilience of natural ecosystems while providing sustenance, energy, Living space and raw materials for a changing human society, who consciously aligns their lifestyle with a measured use of their resources in a creative culture of connection.
permaculture (from English. permanent culture) is a design approach, which meanwhile in all areas of life – social self-organization, post-growth economics, alternative technologies and much more. – is used. It offers no ready-made answers to the pressing questions of our time, but a toolbox of methods, principles and experience, with which we as designers:can develop new solutions from within.

Workshop – usage models
1. April, 16 to 19 Clock
2. April, 10 to 17 Clock

meeting point:
Forest area restaurant
Nuremberg street 105

Registrations under kassel@urbane‐ make our planning easier.

Our design journey continues with immersion in different usage models and their potential and challenges – Community area or bed sponsorships? Lively hustle and bustle or the quiet chirping of birds? A large central gathering place or many small niches? Or anything? quiet zones, retreat areas, Learn, Experiment, To store – which functions are needed and should be part of the design planning? And how much effort means what? We develop different scenarios and consider them, weigh up, select and work out concrete proposals for the district. Drinks and a lunchtime snack will take care of your physical well-being.