Border film presented: #shutdowntv, episode 2

20:00 - 22:00


Link to event

Free Fire, episode 2: Sex sells and food, the Saturday Review

What all so much we lack at the moment the distance – physical proximity and culinary Lausereien – we supply with some, actually no longer needs: another Saturday night show.

WITH THERE: “Who eats it?” Hannah K. and special guest star Kris Newgfarmer invite you to delicious quiz format of the World. Live from the movie shop! Let's go on a sensual journey through culinary cinema worlds, it is, den ein-oder anderen Film anhand der im Ausschnitt gezeigten Speisen zu erraten. Für jede richtige Antwort gibt es eine Gratis Leih-DVD-Lieferung nachhause, innerhalb des Einzugbereichs unseres Mofas.

AUSSERDEM: SYLVIE ENGELMANN, Schauspielerin und Autorin zeigt uns, wie Sex und Essen zueinandergehen, oder eben nicht. Eingerahmt vom Randfilm-Literaturtalk aus der Buchhandlung Vogt in Kassel.

The shops are close, events canceled, We remain in their own homes and defy Corona.
Edge film does not let you back in the boredom – we have #shutdowntv für euch aus der Taufe gehoben. Several times a week a very special event streaming program! Let yourself be surprised!

Supports our program and our shop, so that we can continue even after the corona crisis: