
Start: Rathaus

In the early hours of the 25.9 a black man was attacked and seriously injured by a group of white men on Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse.
This attack resulted in his hospitalization.

He depends on financial support for his recovery.

Attacks on BIPOCs * on Friedrich-Ebert-Straße are not isolated cases.

On Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, FLINTAs ** are also regularly confronted with sexualised violence. It's not a safe place.

We want to draw your attention to this!

We want to protest against this!

Join us!

The demonstration will be on 29.10. take place at 6 p.m.. Start town hall.
Speeches at Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse

*BIPOC = Abbreviation for English: Black, Indigenous, People of Colour. In German: Black people, indigenous people, not white people
**FLINTA: short for: Women, Lesbians, Intersex people, Non-binary people, Transgender person and agender person.