Café'll fix



When'll fix Café in the workshop of Sander house you can repair broken things.
Whether Appliances (Toaster, Lamp, Iron etc.), clothes, Technical Devices (Radio, Drucker etc.), small furniture, * Inside we get back under the guidance of our volunteer Reparierer back - bikes or other favorite pieces. In consultation and spare parts are ordered and installed the next time you'll fix Café.
Participation is free, but we are pleased about a donation for successful repair.

Who helps with?
We are always looking for people, the help in repairing or carrying. Together we can get it back!

If you have nothing to repair, looking like just for a cup of coffee and cake over.

That'll fix Café is a joint project of Sander House e.V., City center Agathof E.V. and the Kassel repair initiatives.

Every first Friday of the month of 16 – 18 Clock.