lecture: extreme right? Dynamics in civic spaces

18:00 - 20:00

University of Kassel, Kassel


Link to event

extreme right? Dynamics in civic spaces – lecture.
Monday at 18 Pm in the auditorium 6 im Campus Center.

13.01.: Prof.in Dr.in Heike Radvan (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus)
– Right-wing populism and right-wing extremism as a challenge for the teaching

20.01.: Prof.in Dr.in Barbara Schäuble (Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin)
– Conflict-oriented social work to contribute to the development of democracy

27.01.: Danilo Mayor (Cultural Office Saxony)
– Between advice and confrontation – Consulting and project development in the context of KJGH. Experiences and practical examples of the self-discovery of the NSU

03.02.: Prof. Dr. Benedict Sturzenhecker (University of Hamburg)
– Democracy Education in social institutions and community