Sandershaus, Kassel

On Saturday, 4.03.2023 are ROSI (Post-Punk/New-Wave) from Bielefeld back with us in the Subterrain. They have her in their luggage 2020 released album SAD DANCE SONGS.
SVEN ROSENKÖTTER and MIRCO RAPPSILBER started to work on their third album SAD DANCE SONGS in February 2020.
In June, ROSI announced their transfer to the DISENTERTAINMENT-label , to find a wider audience beside the Post-Punk fanbase. Musically, ROSI stay true to themselves and don’t deny their roots.
to listen to:
Das neue Projekt DIE VERSION aus Hamburg werden mit ihrer “ungewöhnliche Mischung aus deutschen Texten, elektronische Rhythmen, Synthies und dem treibenden Basspiel” (Synth Postpunk) den Abend einleiten.
inlet: 19:45 / beginning: 20:30 Clock
The concert takes place in the basement of the Sandershaus.
Organized by Weltsubkulturerbe e.V. in cooperation with the Sandershaus e.V.
Funded by the Socioculture Fund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR