Sandershaus, Kassel
The Highlifting Boosters were in years 2019 as the successor band to “Buddy & the Sharks” by Georg “Buddy” Krüger, brought to life. The piano had to give way to the acoustic guitar and the banjo, to achieve an authentic rockabilly and western sound.
“The Highlifting Boosters” continue to stand for tough rockabilly and rock'n roll, but now also for Americana, Western romance and wild rides on the surfboard.
Also new is also, that all band members have lead singer qualities and use them unscrupulously. Stefan Gruza is also an accomplished blues harp player, who isn't afraid to play drums and harp at the same time.
Georg “Buddy” Krueger – Leadvocals, Gretsch-Guitars
Gabriel Brückner-Ziegler – Leadvocals, Western-Guitar, 5-string Banjo
Andreas Simon – Leadvocals, Doghouse-Bass, E-Bass
Stefan Gruza – Leadvocals, Drums, Mississippi-Saxophone
entry starting at 20 Clock / start at 20:30 Clock
The concert takes place in the basement of the Sandershaus.