Play “On the left”

20:00 - 21:30

Färberei, Kassel

Play “On the left” von Riadh Ben Ammar

About empowerment and misunderstandings – a humorous look at a shared movement.

Am 30.11. Riadh Ben Ammar comes to the dye works in Kassel with his new play “Bei den Linken”.In his new play, Riadh Ben Ammar looks back 20 Years of political activism in Germany. It all begins in a refugee camp in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, in which he made his first experiences with the left-wing scene. Who are they and why do they support us?? And what does that do to us?? The piece tells a story about shared political struggles, Empowerment and misunderstandings.

“At the Left” is part of the Theater for Freedom of Movement project, in which Riadh has already been 2012 tours Europe with different pieces. He lives between Tunisia and Germany, and is co-founder of the transnational network Afrique-Europe-Interact. He criticizes the EU's external border and fights for the right to freedom of movement.

The rooms are barrier-free accessible including the toilets.

entry: 5-10€ Donation recommendation