Animal rights reading group Kassel

18:00 - 20:00

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Organization of the animal rights reading group:

»Abolition of animal exploitation - for the creation of a vegan world!«
The animal rights requirement can be summarized briefly and easily in this or similar manner. At the same time, there are many different theories, what keeps animal exploitation going, about the Speciesism or the capitalism; and also like one vegan world could look, there are many different ideas for this.

With a reading group we want to deal with animal rights using texts and books and ask ourselves the following questions:

  • How does animal protection differ?, animal rights and animal liberation?
  • What distinguishes the human-animal relationship, what is speciesism?
  • What does the exploitation of animals have about sexism?, to do with climate change and the exploitation of the global south?
  • What different concepts are there for a vegan world, and for the way there?

The reading group is aimed at active animal rights activists, which may sometimes be such (or similar) Ask questions as part of their activism, as well as to other interested parties, who would like to learn more about animal rights. Previous knowledge is explicitly not required!

The reading circle takes place weekly instead of, alternating on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 18:00 to 20:00 Clock. You can start again at any date.

Registration and further information or questions via: