Café Buch Oase, Kassel
With this event, the Kassel Peace Forum on the current turnaround and until ingoing in the summer NATO maneuvers will inform "Defender 2020". are "2020 Defender" as part of the United maneuver 37.000 Soldiers from 16 NATO countries, among them 20.000 US GIs, including military equipment (u.a. 8.600 work- and 1.100 tracked vehicles) transported from the United States across the Atlantic through Europe to the Russian border. Germany serves as a logistics hub. "Defender 2020" is one of the largest redeployment in the history of NATO. This maneuver fueled the conflict cycle with Russia to continue, pollutes the environment greatly and established military activities in our society. Given great ecological, economic and social challenges, we want to pursue, among others, the following questions:
• Why is the enemy Russia constantly updated?
• Why find military exercises, moreover, in such magnitude, even still held?
• Why is it considered necessary to normalize the military and military operations?
Information meeting with Kathrin Vogler (Peace policy spokesperson of the Left in the Bundestag) Friday, 13. March 2020, 19.00 Clock, Café Buch Oase, Germaniastr.14, Kassel-West