19:30 - 21:30
At home
What is left-wing climate policy?
Webinar with Bernd Riexinger (Federal chairman, THE LEFT), Sabine Leidig (Member of the Left Party) and Hans Thie (Advisor for economic policy of the left faction in the Bundestag)
27. May 2020, 19:30-21:30 Clock
DIE LINKE is a climate justice party, who wants to combine climate protection and social justice - so far, so united. But what can that look like in concrete terms?? We need a left green new deal? A CO² tax is the solution? We have to get rid of the cars? How quickly do we get out of fossil energy generation? And especially: How do we win left-wing majorities for our ideas? The LINKE party chairman Bernd Riexinger will discuss this, the former attac managing director and Member of the Bundestag Sabine Leidig and the advisor for economic policy of the left-wing faction and author of the book "Rotes Grün" Hans Thie together and with you.
To attend the webinar, just click here:
-> https://zoom.us/j/93279549934
Or with a tap on the iPhone :
Germany: +496971049922,,93279549934# or +493056795800,,93279549934#
Or phone:
Germany: +49 69 7104 9922 or +49 30 5679 5800 or +49 695 050 2596
Webinar-ID: 932 7954 9934
International numbers available:
-> https://zoom.us/u/afH674ywp
The event is part of the “Spring academy” the LEFT. All events of the early singing academy can be found here:
-> https://www.die-linke.de/partei/politische-bildung/bildungsveranstaltungen/fruehlingsakademie-2020/programm/