17:00 - 19:00
17:00 - 19:00
House of Youth Kassel
regularlyfrom 13.6.2024 to 18.7.24 of 17 – 19 There is weekly training for women on Thursdays in the Youth House at the Fulda Bridge (from 16 Years) instead of. Participation possible without prior knowledge.
Organizer: Self-defense – Wendo – Kassel women’s shelter
Contact and info:
Phone: 0561 898889
Bring along: Comfortable clothing, Sneakers or non-slip socks
Youth House
At the Fulda Bridge
Mühlengasse 1
34125 Kassel
View on Google Maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/ddHVgzYDvwrpHhFG8