Demo “Legalize abortions! Sabotaging anti-feminism!”

Am 14.11. 2020 gathered around 250 Demonstrators in front of the town hall under the motto “Legalize abortions! Sabotaging anti-feminism!- In Kassel and everywhere!“. A broad feminist alliance in solidarity with women and queers in Poland called for it.

Warning strike in the hospital

500 Employees of the Kassel Clinic stopped working on Wednesday and Thursday. They strike for 4,8% more wages, better training conditions and equalization of the lower wage groups.

Corona outbreak in the initial reception center

On Thursday, Kassel was officially declared a corona risk area. The trigger was the infection of at least one that had become known the day before 112 Residents of the refugee facility in Niederzwehren. We spoke to a resident by phone about the local conditions.

Demo on the occasion 5 Jahre ‘march of hope’

Am 05.09.2020 fand in Kassel die Demonstration „We’ll come united- 5 years march of hope“ statt. round 200 Protesters moved from the main train station to the city center, to demonstrate against racism and the restrictive migration policy of the federal government.

Find the culprit! Car parade against racism

Under the motto “Find the culprit!” demonstrated numerous people from Kassel with a car on Wednesday afternoon- and a bicycle parade for the complete investigation of the probably racially motivated attempted murder of a mini car driver from Kassel.