Die Knastrevolte in der ‘Elwe’

Am 24.07. is the anniversary of the revolt from approx. 40 Deportation detainees in the Kassel JVA 'Elwe' for 27. Times. The revolting protesters protested against the threat of deportation and the disastrous conditions of detention.

Demonstration against deportations

The newly founded “Alliance against deportations from Hessen” called for a demonstration last Friday “Deportations are not an administrative act!” in Kassel. round 200 People moved from Lutherplatz via Kurt-Schumacher- Street to the regional council.

Rally against police violence

Knapp 100 People have on 31. March 2021 Demonstrated against police violence in front of the main train station. The rally was held at short notice on the occasion of a current case of police violence, which had happened the previous evening in Kassel, called.