Lübcke Murder: Vigil against right-wing violence

On the occasion of the first anniversary of the murder of Walter Lübcke by neo-Nazi Stephan Ernst, the Kasseler Linke held a vigil, to continue the right-wing violence 1990 to draw attention. The call, on 02. June at 16 To gather at the Königsplatz, are round 80 People followed.

Halit Yozgat commemorate despite pandemic

Am 6.4.2020 In Kassel, numerous people thought of Halit Yozgat in various forms, the before 14 Years in his internet café on Holländische Strasse by the neo-Nazis of the NSU and their network of helpers.

The Stephan Ernst complex

In June 2019 the CDUler Walter Lübcke in Kassel was murdered by neo-Nazis. The next dead in the city by right terrorist groups. Although the headlines are full of the suspected terrorists Stephan Ernst and Markus Hartmann, going on but surprisingly little in Kassel.