vigil: Feminicide in Schwalmstadt
Am Nachmittag des 17. June 2022 fand in der Kasseler Innenstadt erneut eine feministische Mahnwache anlässlich eines Feminizids in Nordhessen statt.
Themen der Reportage
Am Nachmittag des 17. June 2022 fand in der Kasseler Innenstadt erneut eine feministische Mahnwache anlässlich eines Feminizids in Nordhessen statt.
More than 150 Activists met on Saturday, the 26.03.2022 came together for an action conference in Kassel's Kulturbahnhof. Against the background of the upcoming action week in summer 2022 the participants discussed the connections between the climate crisis, war and rearmament. Mit der Aktionskonferenz sollten nicht nur die Planungen für … ▷
In memory of the attempted murder of minicar driver Efe in June 2020 activists have on the night of 15. on the 16 March imitation wanted posters distributed throughout Kassel. The posters draw attention to the hitherto unsuccessful search for the perpetrator and the lack of investigative success.
The Kassel initiative against femicides called on 11. February 2022 to a vigil in downtown Kassel, to bring anger and sadness to the streets at another victim of femicide. The vigil was held in memory of the victims of recent femicides … ▷
As in many other German cities, protested on the evening of 02. February 2022 scarce in Kassel 180 People against the Turkish army's air raids on various places in Kurdistan.
Muhiddin's family fled 25 Years before the war in Turkey to Germany. He is married, Father of five children, nevertheless he should be deported. On closer inspection of his case it quickly becomes clear, that the deportation has political reasons.
Am 20.11.2021 an event took place at the University of Kassel on the occasion of the Trans Days of Remembrance. On this day all victims of trans-hostility worldwide are commemorated.